Elon Musk's Caltech Address (feat. fthmlss)

Season 2 | Episode 2

Elon Musk gave an incredibly insightful speech at Caltech back in 2012. One of my favorite parts about this speech is that it provided insight into the way Musk sees the world - and the way he problem-solves. He is most attracted to the biggest problems of humanity, which is always intriguing to think about.

In this episode, we're hearing sounds from the amazing lofi producer "Fthmlss" - his music is incredible and goes so well with this speech. Plus, I got to sit down and have a chat with him - there are some really interesting production tips and insights in this chat, I think you'll really enjoy it! Be sure to check out Fthmlss wherever you stream music, like on Spotify.

Dean Palya Jr